DBE Committee Meeting
Friday, December 4, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
Zoom Meeting


Call to order – 10:05 a.m.

• Introductions – Skipped due to being a virtual meeting

• Approval of minutes from July 28, 2020 - approved

• Demo of Signet software by InfoTech – InfoTech (Carolyn Victoria) demonstrated the new prompt pay software. The Signet service will cost $1000 per contract. It likely will be a direct payment from the prime to InfoTech, similar to SWPPPTracker. It is not envisioned to change regardless of the number of subcontractors. Some members voiced concern over this. ODOT believes this is the best way to get the product in a short amount of time. Training and support will be available from InfoTech.

• DBE Trucking guidelines

     o Affidavits – If a contractor wants to use DBE trucking, they will need to notify ODOT of that at bid time. As project progresses, affidavits will be submitted monthly (not per estimate) through the life of the project. Brokering allowed? Same rules apply as have been. 1:1 (or 2:1) DBE versus non-DBE is being worked towards. If ODOT can show that DBE trucking can be tracked properly, they will ask for permission from ODOT to allow brokering. ODOT believes that this requires FHWA permission. Requested ODOT to look into – ODOT believes code allows this with permission from FHWA.

Affidavit has been shortened after feedback from OCA, pending FHWA approval. 

• PN 13 

     o Termination/replacement forms when nonperformances of DBE work occur – When DBEs have work nonperformed by ODOT versus what was planned at bid time (especially when the work is nonperformed late in the project and there is no or limited opportunity to replace), this can be noted and not require the DBE’s signature. If DBE utilization drops below the DBE goal for the contract, Good Faith Efforts are still required, but same reason can be used (late nonperformance). ODOT just needs records to match. Will still be expectation if the nonperformance occurs early in the project, there needs to be efforts to replace the DBE work. Cost can be a factor in the GFEs. ODI is modifying the form to show this change.

• Changes to EDGE program – Summary by Hahn Loeser was sent to the Committee. ODI has requested summary guidance form DAS and will share as soon as received.

• Other business – Thanked ODOT and InfoTech for attending.

Adjourn – 10:59 a.m.